Hello, today I will show you one of my garden plant. As we know, this plant used for flavoring a taste, good for drinks or food. The fun of mint cultivation is we get to see our good smell in the garden, very soothing.
The content and benefits of mint plant
Mint is often a mixture of various products such as on ice, tea, or candy. Mint which has the latin name mentha piperita is estimated to have more than 10 types in the world. Mint leaves have a very rich content, noted there are fiber, protein, carbohydrates, minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, mangan, sodium and phosphate). It also contained vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and e. There's more, mint has the content of amino acids such as arginine, aspartic acid, gluttamico, alanin, leusin, glycine, serine, and proline.
In addition to food, the mint also has the benefits of herbs and it is said that many people believed since antiquity that the mint has benefits for treating the disease especially in the gastrointestinal tract. The following benefits of the mint:
1. As an antioxidant phytochemical content because it has could be the anti inflammatory.
2. Give a refreshing effect. The compounds menthol in it cause it feels refreshing and gives the effect of analgesics.
3. The presence of minerals and vitamins can help blood pressure related because itincreases blood circulation
4. Rejuvenates, strengthens the immune system
5. Nourish the hair and scalp.
6. Have a calming effect
A cup of tea and mint have calming properties, eliminates stress and eliminate toxins.
How To Plant Mint at Home
1. Please find ample sunlight such as on the lawn and terrace houses
2. Planting root cuttings with mint or from seed
3. you can plant a mint with containers, pots, or poly bag
4. Considering rooting mint very much, give the depth of the pot is at least 15 cm pots with a diameter of at least 20 cm
5. Mint plant in the land of directly, please choice trunks 15 cm between plants so that plants are not overly competed to get nutrients.
6. Trim the plants at least once a month to get the shape of the plant well and good for its growth.
7. mint leaves will be has smell good if it is harvested before flowering
8. If you want to extend the harvesting of the crop, just prune the flowers.
Things to look for plant mint
Do not irrigate too muddy or pooled media, make sure the media is quite moist like a mixture of soil, compost and sand in 1 : 1 : 1 comparison.
This is video for your reference :
Happy gardening