Many out there are crops that can be used to hydroponics, but due to practicality considered, then much less suitable for plants grown in hydroponics.
Hydroponic plants usually have a relatively short lifespan monthly instead of yearly. Plants that have a big morphology using a hydroponic system only for the nursery, but once the big please move the cropping in a bigger place and adjust its size.
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These plants are the most widely cultivated well it's only a hobby or commercial scale.
1. Butterhead
This is a type of lettuce that has an interesting shape, such as the shape of the head,are green and was more or less a month away. Matching cultivated with NFT system or Ebb & flow techniques. has a fairly high commercial value.
2. Curly Lettuce
This is a type of lettuce are also widely cultivated for the salad. Many cultivated in Europe. Offers a slightly curly leaf morphology. 2 types which are often planted is the colors red and green.
3. Romaine
Romaine has the morphology of larger and longer, many cultivated there with NFT or floating raft system. Additional materials commonly used for soup or salad in Asia in Europe.
4. Pakchoy
This type of mustard cultivated hydroponic suitable for the beginner as it has because it has the easiest difficulty level. Morfologinya is not too high. In Asia, this plant is used as an additional ingredient soup and rice.
5. Water spinach
Many cultivated in Asia, has a very easy difficulty levels with age harvest approximately 3 weeks you can feel it to be cooked with your family. Have a narrow leaf morphology and stem are quite high. NFT, DFT, Ebb or Flow & floating raft.
Comes from a family of capsicuum, native from Mexico, it has a unique flavor with a slightly sweet in it than there's spiciness. Has the age of about 3 months and can be harvested in several times. Usually grown with drip irrigation system.
7. Tomato
Commercial fruit on this one being a primadona in several countries. Like paprika, tomato cultivated with intensive with difficulty quite high due to the formation of a leaf and branch of threshing productive. age 3 months and can be harvested several times. Cultivated by way of drip irrigation.
Above is a plant that can become your reference to berhidroponik. Start from the easiest such as water spinach and pakchoy for your first project. Believe me, hydroponics will be fun for your days more fun. So try it.
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